Tuesday, March 26, 2013


When I say that you look good today, I don't mean that today you look good, whereas normally you don't.

I mean that while you look good everyday, there is something special about you today. There is a spark to you that isn't always apparent. A spark that makes you even more beautiful. A spark that makes you glow, and shine brighter than the stars. A spark that makes me even more unwilling to tear my eyes from your face. A feat I would think impossible, but it is true.

This spark that you have when I tell you that you look good today... It feels like a rare, and fleeting glimpse into your heart and soul.

It is magical. Fantastical. Beautiful.

Monday, March 25, 2013


I had a bad nights sleep last night.
My brain wouldn't switch off, like it so often can't.
But I didn't crave sleep.
I craved you.
I craved your warmth, your touch, your skin, your breath, everything that makes you, you.
I needed you last night.
Where were you?
Where are you now?
Why can't you find me?
Why can't I find you?

Friday, March 22, 2013


I'd prefer one flower to a whole bunch.
I'd rather stay in with you on a Friday night instead of going to a wild party with a bunch of people I don't even really know.
I wouldn't make you wait on me hand on foot, I'd rather take care of you and make sure that you are well and happy.
I'd rather stay up all night talking and sharing stories and secrets than getting drunk.
I wouldn't make you hold all my bags, I'd rather you held my hand.
I'd rather stay in and watch tv or a movie rather than go to some fancy restaurant.
I'm the kind of girl who will fall in love with you so deeply you would never have any doubts about how I feel about you.
I would give anything, do anything just to see you happy and smiling.

I will love you more than you could possibly dream of. I will be there for you, no matter what. I would drop everything and come running to make sure you're alright. And I will stand by your side and fight through the toughest of battles with you.


Wednesday, March 20, 2013


"It hurts because it mattered."
                 - John Green

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


I saw a post earlier today called "Unusual Date Ideas". It went as follows -

1. Go on a search for as many good climbing trees as possible, climb as high as you can in all of them, compile photo evidence. 

2. Go to a major chain bookstore, and leave notes to future readers in copies of your favourite books.

3. Have her dressed up as a ghost and him dressed up as Pacman. Walk around downtown holding hands, and whenever anyone sees you two, pretend to be embarrassed and run off screaming "wocka wocka wocka."

4. Create photo evidence suggesting that you went on an adventure that didn't really happen.

5. Dress up as superheroes and stop at least one petty crime ie. jaywalking, littering...

6. Build forts out of furniture and blankets, and wage war with paper airplanes.

7. Try and visit as many people as you can in one night, and turn as many things inside their apartment upside down as you can, without them noticing.

8. Go to the airport, get the cheapest, soonest departing flight to anywhere when you show up, and stay there for a weekend.

9. Write a piece of fiction together. Outside at a cafe. Ask strangers for ideas when you get stuck.

10. Dress to the nines, pretend to be married, and test drive very expensive vehicles at an auto dealership.

11. Do the lamest tourist thing in your area that you have both secretly wanted to do forever. Have an unabashed good time!

12. In the middle of the night, drive to the beach, so you arrive just as the sun is rising. Have a breakfast picnic, then fall asleep together. Bring a sun umbrella.

13. Drive somewhere unknown and have dinner in a city you've never been to. With fake names.

14. Go to a minor league baseball game under the stars. Tell each other stories about how bad you are at athletics. Randomly cheer for other teams. Eat lots of Cracker Jacks.

15. Go around the city with sidewalk chalk and draw hearts with equations inside on random things.

16. Walk around a city and perform short silent plays in front of security cameras.

17. With a camera and pair of boots, make a photolog of a day in the life of an invisible man.

18. Walk around the city all night and find a place to eat breakfast at dawn.

19. Go to a restaurant and convince the cook to create something completely new for you.

20. Rent a movie you've never seen before. Set on mute and improvise dialogue.

 I cannot wait until I am with you and we can start having unusual dates like this together. Hurry up and find me. And if you have found me, hurry up and be with me.

Monday, March 18, 2013


I want us to be an amazing couple. Let's go for a drive. Why? No particular reason, just for the fun of it. Let's skip the drama of the outside and stay in bed for a couple more hours. We don't even have to talk. Just being able to smell your sweet scent is enough communication for me. Let's take a bunch of pictures. So we can document every waking second together. Let's finish each others sentences, make pancakes for breakfast, walk to the park. We don't need to fight anymore. We don't need to make schedules and appointments. We don't need to care about what others think of us. Let us live free from judgment or sadness. Ignore their hate, accept my love. I want us to be free. Let us stay home, wherever we choose to make it. Because frankly, home is wherever I'm with you.

Saturday, March 16, 2013


Who are you,

You are not a name
or a height, or a weight
or a gender
You are not an age
and you are not where you
are from

You are your favourite books
and the songs stuck in your head
you are your thoughts
and what you eat for breakfast
on Saturday mornings

You are a thousand things
but everyone chooses
to see the million things
you are not

You are not
where you are from
you are
where you are going
and I'd like
to go there

Monday, March 11, 2013


"You're asleep and I'm sad
I wanted to stay up all night
and talk with you about
your day and why the sky is blue

Everything is so easy with us,
our words flow back and forth steadily,
like the gliding of a ship
atop a calm sea

When I feel broken,
you mend me with your words
when I have nothing to say,
you effortlessly occupy the silence

You fill this gap inside me
in a way that makes me forget
I was ever incomplete

I'd tell you all of this,
but you're asleep."

Saturday, March 09, 2013


I just want one day with you. 24 hours. It'll just be you and me. We get to do whatever we want, no interference or anybody else. Just me and you. That's all I want right now.

Thursday, March 07, 2013


Today is a Thursday, and I love you.
I'll love you tomorrow, and the next day, and even the next week.
In four months I will love you, just like I loved you yesterday.
Forty years from now, I'll run my hands through my grey hair and smile at the thought of how much I love you.
I just hope that you will be with me through all the time that I will love you. 

Wednesday, March 06, 2013


Today I saw something. It said “do you think about me as much as I think about you?” And it made me wonder… Do you?

Monday, March 04, 2013


A night to think of what you've lost
A day to be forgotten
A morning shining through the frost
A silver tear, begotten.
To see a star, recall its name
I pray—remember me
Through winter's fall and winter's gain
I'll keep your memory.
The fire cannot burn you out
The cold shan't see you stilled
If you should ever think to doubt—
My love, I will not yield.